
I am trained and experienced in end-to-end analysis of detailed relational databases. I process and analyze raw data to extact statistically-significant results and produce actionable recommendations. My passion for extracting meaningful insights from data was born during my early work in experimental nuclear physics, and matured as I explored the power of machine learning and other statistical techniques. I now use these skills to solve more tangible, real-world problems to make a difference in this data-driven world.

Key Skills

Python, C++, html/js/css

Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, Keras, tensorflow.

Machine Learning / AI

Linear/Logistic Regression, k-means and NN modelling.

Relational Databases


Data Analysis

Extract and clearly communicate recommendations.

Data Vizualization

Tableau, MatPlotLib, Plotly.


Hypothesis testing, robust result and uncertainty analysis.

Areas of Interest

Problem solving

Solving real-world problems: From defining the issues and goals to excecuting and evaluating a novel solution. There's nothing like a good puzzle!

Project Management

I have led teams as a PM on multiple projects. I enjoy motivating team members to be their best by setting targets and delegating tasks based on their abilities and skills.

Result Communication

Excellent written and communication skills demonstrated through multiple publications as well as invited talks and chair opportunities at national and international conferences.

Statistical modelling

Develop robust Monte Carlo simulations to aid data analysis, and inform the potential impact of projects when generating proposals.


I thoroughly enjoy collaborating across disciplines and sectors. I have worked on projects with a number of Universities, National Laboratories and Government agencies.

Software/Hardware Design

I have designed multiple software tools that are used to mitigate bottlenecks in analysis workflow, as well as critical hardware components designed using AutoCAD packages.

Education & Experience

Academic Degrees

Ph.D - Nuclear Physics, 2021
Rutgers University

MPhys - Physics, 2016
University of Surrey, UK

Professional Experience

Experimental Data Analyst (Post-Doc), 2020 - 2022
Rutgers University / Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Internship - Detector Diagnostics Specialist, 2018
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Resident Graduate Student, 2017 - 2020
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Other Credentials

Machine Learning Course, 2021
Stanford University - Andrew Ng (online)

Relational Databases and SQL, 2022
Stanford University (online)